Have you ever seen a cauliflower so beautiful? If you’re from these parts, this bright purple beauty is very common to see. I read that it is actually called “violetto di Sicilia”. I had never seen this type before living here. At the supermarket, we had the white head variety, “palla di neve” (ball of snow) and I never remember it being that good. (If I were to try it here, it would be completely different.)
Antonello’s father grows this cavolfiore in our garden, so we have plenty of them to eat. Usually, I make it for dinner simply steamed and served with it’s broth. I read that cauliflower is rich in vitamin C and vitamin A; it is advised to those who suffer from anemia. The broth, or cooking water, is rich of sulfur and is excellent for the cure of eczema and inflammation in general.
This day I made the cauliflower as a light second. No oil added, I just dipped the steamed cauliflower in egg then breadcrumbs mixed with parmigiano reggiano. Simple, light, and very tasty.
Check out the link on the title. This site, Italia Donna, is a great source of information...
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