We had always wanted to try this recipe and it turned out to be a very impressive meal...
If you can't find a boned rabbit, the deboning of a rabbit can be watchd here on YouTube
We wanted to do everything, so we found the video very helpful!
Place the boned rabbit on your cutting board, pressing the flesh of the legs into the cavity so as to obtain what looks like a slab of meat. Sprinkle on the meat the rosemary, several leaves of sage, red pepper, black pepper, and salt.
Layer the filling over the herbs, then roll the rabbit up around the filling lengthwise. Roll as tight as possible, taking care that the filling remain within the rabbit. Finally, tie the roll with string as you would any roast.
Did you pick the rabbit up at your local butcher's shop?
ReplyDeleteLooks delicious. I love rabbit. It's hard to come by here in Phoenix.