Thursday, July 03, 2008

Day at the pool with the girls...

On Tuesday, a bunch of us "English Speaking" girls were invited to a poolside lunch held at our dear friend Mandi's house. We all had a great time, especially the little ones... I look forward to many more!

Funny how the world is so small... Many of us actually worked for Carnival Cruise Line in the past. Now, we each happen to find ourselves living on the same small island. (Eash married to a Sicilian...)

Mandi and I met in our hardware store, when she was passing through to pick up something for her house. She then introduced me to a few other English women who live in the area. It's great to hear experiences from other ladies who have settled in and enjoy this magical place!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:33 PM

    i'm glad you had a good time!! we'll get together again soon!

    m X


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