Thursday, April 17, 2008


Yes, that does say "Pig Fat".
I had been looking all over for strutto to make my Torta di Ricotta. I had read that good pasta frolla is made only with strutto. But, where does one find it? I asked around town and received nothing but unsure faces. The man of the "stocco" advised me to ask Enzo our butcher for fat and use that. Hmm, I could... (I would have to prepare it somehow?)

Fortunately, while walking through a store in Misterbianco, we found it! Right next to the butter, packaged and waiting for me.

I have to say, I did miss the sweet butter scent when rolling out the dough. The cake turned out very nice, but until the strutto becomes more available, I'll continue with my butter...


  1. Anonymous10:55 PM

    For what it's worth, strutto, rendered pork fat, is also called sugna. I'm buying some tomorrow to make sfogliatelle, and here in the midwestern U.S. it's called lard. Here's a great discussion on the differences between strutto and lardo:

  2. Thanks for the site!


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