Thursday, December 20, 2007

Pranzo di domenica

This past Sunday was a cold rainy day, but we stayed warm with a nice plate of egg pasta with thick warm ragout.

I teach English at a pre-school here in town, after lunch we went over to watch their Christmas recital. They are all so Cute!


  1. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Ciao Jilli,
    I stumbled upon your blog and just love it. Especially your wedding pictures.
    You sound so happy and content in your new life.
    I was born in Sicily, near Palermo and with my family emigrated to Kansas City, Missouri almost 40 yrs. ago. I just visited my home town this past May and everything is still so fresh in my mind and I miss it so much.
    I hope you continue to blog and I'll continue to follow it.

    Happy New Year/Felice Anno Nuovo a te e la tua famiglia.
    Carole D.

  2. Thank you for stopping by! Yes, we love it here... I hope you can make many more visits to Sicily; it is such an amazing island.

    Tanti Auguri,


Thanks for stopping by...