Saturday, June 28, 2008


The tellina is a very small shellfish with an elongated, oval, smooth exterior shell that lives in the sand of the Mediterranean. The meat of these tellina are delicious. We usually pick them up whenever we can find them, as they are not always available.

There are a million ways to enjoy these tiny clams, but for us the best way to savor every bite it to eat them with your fingers! With their vibrant violet interior, these clams are a delicacy for all the senses. They are tiny and one has to eat quite a few to satisfy a hunger, but with a nice slice of crusty bread, their taste is ever so good.


Megan in Liguria said...

As a HUGE clam fan, I have to say these look fantastic! Will they be in season come September???

Hope you are staying cool...M:)

Jill said...

I do think so! We usually buy them in Riposto, as they are never sold in our town.

Hmm, staying Cool?!?! I'm trying... :) Fortunately, today there is a nice breeze!

Julie said...

Those look delicious, Jilli